Dancer Appreciation Week

Happy Dancer Appreciation Week!
This week kicks off Dancer Appreciation Week. Dance Marathon has tons of things planned to help celebrate all the effort that dancers have been putting into get those donations. UNI DM would not be possible if it weren't for the endless dedication and handwork from our dancers. Throughout the week UNI DM has several events planned to honor our dancers.
Monday, January 20th, is the kickoff for Dancer Appreciation Week.
Tuesday, January 21st, will consist of a photo shoot. Make sure to stop by Maucker Union from 10am until 2pm to get those pictures. Smile pretty!
Wednesday, January 22nd is an important day because there is an All Dancer Workshop. It begins at 6:30pm in the Mauker Union Ballrooms. Make sure to come because there will be plenty of information about the Big Event and tips to keep fundraising.
Thursday, January 23rd will consist of eating a lot of Cane’s Chicken fingers and playing some Bingo with other dancers. The fun starts at 6pm in the Union. Bingo cards are $1 and can be paid with cash or card directly into your donor drive at the event. With every purchase of a $1 Bingo card you may get two chicken strips! Can't wait!
What better way to celebrate the new semester than hanging out with all of your DM friends?! We hope to see everyone at the events planned throughout the week.