The University of Northern Iowa Dance Marathon would not be where we are today without the help of our supportive sponsors. Our sponsors allow University of Northern Iowa students the opportunity to continue building the largest student-run organization on campus, as well as develop philanthropic leadership skills. Students understand the value a sponsor adds to Dance Marathon, which makes the company exposure gained from supporting a non-profit cause that much more valuable.
Dance Marathon at the University of Northern Iowa is not just a 12-hour event held on a Saturday, it is a year long movement that strives to raise funds and awareness for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and the children treated by them. Throughout the year we hold events that expose over 500 students, faculty, and community members to our cause. Without our sponsors, we would not be able to hold events such that raise funds.
If your company is looking to get involved with one of the largest student-run organizations on the University of Northern Iowa’s campus, as well as put your business in front of philanthropic focused students and community members, then UNI Dance Marathon is for you.
To read further on how your business can make an impact on UNI Dance Marathon, explore our Corporate Partnership Packet attachment found below or email our Director of Corporate Partnership at corporatepartnerships@unidancemarathon.com.
OUR 2022-2023 SPONSORS
Lasting Legacy