The ABC's of the Big Event
Whether this is your first Big Event or your fourth, it can be helpful to know just what to bring to the Big Event on March 2nd, 2019. We came up with an entire alphabet of things to bring to UNIDM8!
Accessories: Deck yourself in all the orange accessories you can find: scrunchies, socks, bandana, beads, sunglasses, and maybe even a tutu!
Bravery: Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone at the Big Event--try new things, meet new people, and reach out to people you haven’t yet for donations!
Comfy clothes: You should be sure to wear comfortable clothing like shorts or leggings along with your Big Event shirt you can get from Early Packet Pickup this week!
Deodorant: 12 hours of dancing and moving For The Kids can be sweaty...bring deodorant to re-apply throughout the day to avoid being THAT guy!
Energy: The 12 hours of the Big Event will go by much faster if you come excited and ready for a day of fun and miracles!
Fanny pack: The perfect accessory for the Big Event is a fanny pack to hold all your things during the day. We will be selling fanny packs AND socks at Early Packet Pickup, so stop by early to get them before they sell out!
Good dancing shoes: 12 hours of dancing and standing means you should wear your most comfortable shoes. We recommend tennis shoes!
Hair Ties: Long haired friends- we advise you to bring along some hair-ties to use when you get to dancing and sweating!
Ideas: Fundraising doesn’t stop at the Big Event and this year, we have seen lots of unique ideas to support your fundraising efforts like doing push-ups for donations or writing your donors' names on your shoes; be sure to bring some of these ideas to use throughout the day to fundraise!
Jail and bail money: One of our fundraising activities during our Big Event is a Jail and Bail. Bring cash so you can put your friends in jail or to help get yourself out of jail!
Killer Dance Moves: All dance moves are welcome at the Big Event because regardless, your dancing saves lives!
Love for the Miracle Kiddos: Get excited to meet and spend time with our miracle kiddos, their families, and their friends!
Money: There will be lots of in-event fundraising opportunities and even an apparel table you’ll want to bring cash for!
Numbers: Bring some phone numbers of friends and families you can reach out to throughout the day to fundraise!
Orange Big Event Shirt: Be sure to rep your 2019 UNI DM Big Event Shirt during our Big Event. You can pick up yours during Early Packet Pickup!
Panther Pride: Cheer on your fellow Panthers during one of our main stage events: an athlete and student organization dance-off!
Quotes for Fundraising Posts: Connecting your fundraising to the bigger picture can do incredible things for your fundraising efforts. Use quotes from family stories or your own experiences at the Big Event to use on your social media fundraising posts throughout the day!
Rest: Be sure to get a good night’s rest leading up to the Big Event so you can enjoy all 12 hours of the day!
Socks: You can be in orange from your head to your toes. Purchase a pair of orange DM socks at Early Packet Pickup!
Tissues: Family stories can be emotional, but don’t let that scare you, it makes our event that much more meaningful for you!
Upbeat Attitude: Remember why you are there, FTK. Use that to keep you going throughout the day!
Venmo: Another essential for in-event fundraising and you can even use it for apparel purchases!
Water: We will provide you with a water bottle at the door; We encourage you to use it and want to emphasize it is SO important for you to stay hydrated throughout the day!
eXtra snacks: We will be feeding you plenty during the day, but extra snacks can help you make it in between meal times. Nothing too big, just please don’t bring any snacks with peanuts in them!
Your phone: This day will be unforgettable, so bring your phone along to capture some photos to remember the day and to contact potential donors!
Zero regrets: We want you to enjoy the Big Event and hope you can enter power hour proud that you have done everything you can to fundraise for this organization. Your dedicated efforts to our mission is what will help us reach our goal!