Every single day we make choices. We make the choice to wake up in the morning and we make the choice to go to class. We choose to go to work, what we want to have for lunch, and if we’re going to procrastinate on our homework. We choose who we sit with and who to give a friendly smile to. We choose who and what we are going to make our mark on.
There are kiddos that don’t get to worry about these seemingly unimportant choices because something that threatens their very existence has already made its mark on them.
Scary as it might be, these life-threatening illnesses don’t have to define our kiddos and their families. They don’t have to be defined by the hospital visits, the hair loss, the finger pokes, or the operations. With your help, they can be defined by the hope, the support, and the search for cures. They can be defined by the movement of hundreds of thousands of college students across the nation who are using their time, money, and resources to provide support to the kiddos who are fighting to see tomorrow and to end all childhood illnesses.
By choosing to join the movement, you can make a mark so much bigger than childhood illness and so much bigger than yourself.
With every moment spent with a family, memory made at an event, minute spent advocating for our hospital, and monetary donation you ask for-- you are making your mark on UNI Dance Marathon, the Children’s Miracle Network, the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, and most importantly, our Miracle Families. You are showing these kiddos that they are not alone in their fight and that we will not stop dancing until childhood illness is a thing of the past. And while these little superheroes are changing your life for the better, you are leaving an indescribable mark on the lives of all of the people around you.
Make a mark that is bigger than the discomfort of operations and the time spent on treatments.
Make a mark that is bigger than the harsh reality that there are still so many childhood illnesses with no cure.
Make the choice to #MakeYourMarkFTK this year with UNI Dance Marathon.