In addition to our other social media accounts, you can now keep up to date on everything Dance Marathon with Snapchat! In September 2014, we launched the UNI Dance Marathon Snapchat account, @UNI_DM to add another way for us to connect with people about DM. For those of you that don’t know, Snapchat is a popular phone application that lets you send short video and pictures to your friends. To learn more about the app, click here. How Does UNI Dance Marathon use Snapchat? If you add us on Snapchat, you will get pictures and videos of our events sent straight to your phone. By utilizing the My Story feature of the app, we send out developments taking place within all of the committees behind Dance Marathon, and reminders, such as to wear orange on Tangerine Thursday or to ask family members to donate to your donor drive, on our story. Last semester, we posted pictures of our apparel sale in the union, of the morale captain talent show, and of our fundraiser at Coldstone Creamery. In this upcoming semester, we will be adding even more events to our Snapchat story and integrating the usage of the app during our Big Event in March. Not only will we snap you pictures of Dance Marathon events though, but you can also snap us back! If you send us a picture of your Tangerine Thursday gear, you may even see your picture featured on our Facebook page. We update our Snapchat album, titled “Scenes From Snapchat!” on our page regularly. To see some of the Snapchats from last semester, check us out on Facebook at UNI Dance Marathon. To get in on all of the fun, add us on Snapchat at @UNI_DM!