Change Kids Health
Today, the first Monday in October, dancers will take part in Child Health Day. A day dedicated to raising awareness about protection and developing childrens’ health. Taking the time to educate others can help us come closer to ending hospital visits, treatments, and surgeries, and give more to the kids.
At UNI on Child Health Day, students can learn from Dance Marathon about advocating for the kids. Committee members, assistant directors, and executive directors will be tabling in Maucker Union teaching students about they can do to help promote. Hospital bands will be given out to remind dancers why this day is so important and why we are dancing. We encourage you to write your reasoning of why you dance on your band, so it will be a constant reminder to keep going. Keep fundraising and keep fighting for a cure! Apart from tabling, DM will also have a photoshoot for you to take pictures with your hospital band!
Not only will UNI Dance Marathon educate today but also while raising funds for these kiddos year round as well. If you’re all for children’s health post your hospital band using #PowerOfYou, #ChildHealthDay, and #ChangeKidsHealth.