Power of YOU
Throughout the years, UNI Dance Marathon has seen the difference that can be made by being united by one cause. In the past we have focused on what our organization can do as a whole, but this year we want to do things differently. We have shown what we can do when we come together for one cause, as one community, but we are more than that. Dance Marathon is the hundreds of students that dedicate themselves to fighting against childhood illnesses and injuries. Dance Marathon is the choice that each person makes to fundraise and advocate for children’s health. Dance Marathon is the commitment to a cause that is bigger than yourself.
From dancer to executive director, every single person that makes the commitment to be a part of Dance Marathon is making a difference in the lives of children. This year, we as an organization are committed to recognizing the difference that a single person can make.
We firmly believe that every single person that registers for Dance Marathon has the ability to make a difference in the life of a child. Whether you raise $200 or $2000 YOU are making a difference. You are funding things from wigs for cancer patients to an emergency crash cart. You are giving hope.
Going into my fourth year of Dance Marathon, I’ve been so honored to witness the difference that a single person can make. From making connections with a kiddo through being their morale captain for three years to donating their hair to make a wig, I’ve seen some incredible examples of the impact of a single person.
Dance Marathon is so special because every single person registered has their own reason to dance, has their reason for stepping outside their comfort zone and committing themselves to fundraising and advocating for the kids. This year I cannot wait to witness the way that every single person registered will change kids health and will change the future.
This year we believe in the power of one person. We believe that every single person has the power to make a difference. We believe in YOUR impact, in YOUR ability. We believe in the power of our cause, and we believe in the power of YOU. #PowerOfYou