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In June, the 2017 Executive Board sat together to make a plan for the upcoming UNI DM year. We wanted to regain our focus and make sure we were living each day for the kids. We wanted UNI DM to drive everything we do and focus on truly living #EverydayFTK.

We wanted this year to be the year of changes. We implemented committee chairs and brought so many new leadership opportunities to UNI DM. Registration opened sooner and fundraising kicked off to a start quicker than before. We developed a new director position, Director of Development, which allowed us to focus more on our mini marathons and our community engagement. This year alone, our mini marathon programs raised $15,000! We tried new events; UNI DM Hunger Games, Fore the Kids Golf Outing, and more. We revamped our events, our apparel, and social media to get our name out there in new ways and help get more students engaged. UNI Study Abroad became our biggest monetary sponsor and sponsored our entire Big Event venue space for the day!

This year we decided to implement a push day. It wasn’t an easy task and many people were nervous going into it. But not only did we do one, we planned out two. With all the planning and scheduling for these events, they turned into a huge success. On our 18K push day we ended up raising over $28,000. And on December 1st we came together as a state of Iowa and all Iowa DM programs raised a combined total of $91,000. So many miracles were created on these two days!

These events were successful because of people like you. Our dancers, committee members, community members, sponsors, donors, and more. You all began to live everyday for the kids and did all you could to benefit the families and this organization.

Without you, we would not have been able to raise $453,278.06! That’s so many miracles made because of your support.

Thank you for all your support this year. We enjoyed working in our positions and cannot wait to see what next year’s executive team can accomplish and the new heights the program will grow to. Thank you all for living everyday FTK.

--The 2016 - 2017 Executive Board

Phil Adams, Tanner Bernhard, Abigail Cornett, Liz Fitzgerald, Gabe Gravert, Greta Kos, Molly Lembezeder, Alyssa Meeker, Madalynn Meier, Jacob Morgan, Chelsea Roehm, Alexis Scharfenkamp, and Daniel Vorwerk

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