Happy Holidays UNI Dance Marathon! I hope you’ve had lots of good food and quality family time, I know I’ve gotten my fair share. I, for one, don’t mind that I didn’t have a white Christmas. I think a lot of us have had enough of this snow!
While you’re snuggled up and cozy in your homes, it’s important to remember those who are not. So many families are spending the holidays not in their warm homes and beds, not gathered around their kitchen tables enjoying the holiday goodies. They are instead in hospitals, hotel rooms, charity house rooms. They instead gather around in-patient beds, sharing holiday goodies with loved ones and kiddos fighting childhood illnesses. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the holiday season, but we can’t forget the reasons we fight for the kids, the reasons we are so passionately involved in UNI Dance Marathon.
I am asking you to remember to fundraise over this break, because so many families aren’t spending the holidays at home this year. Now is an excellent time to reconnect with those in your hometown and family from out of town and ask them to contribute to your fundraising efforts. If every dancer raised $250, we would beat our $225,000 goal. If you break it down, that’s only five $50 donations, or ten $25 donations. My challenge to you is to get at least onedonation over this holiday break. If you think it will spur people to action, remind them that any donation before the new year (by tomorrow night) can be included in 2014’s taxes. There is a reason that UNI DM is in the top 20 Dance Marathons in the nation. We break records, we set the bar, and it is thanks to those of you who believe in us and continually push us to do more and raise more. We are only four years old, can you believe that? We are only four years old and already we are raising so much to help the kiddos and families that are near and dear to us, and impact the lives of even more we’ve never met.
As the Creative Director, it is my responsibility to make everything you see that surrounds this organization. The graphics you see with this post were made last year, but have been updated for this year. I encourage you to share them and repeat the statistics within in order to help you fundraise. When things are identified in this manner, it helps people see what their money goes towards. It only takes $35 to purchase a courage cape for a kiddo, but that cape will be invaluable to them. I don’t know about you, but one of my New Year’s goals is to fundraise as much as possible FOR THE KIDS! Let’s blow our $225,000 goal out of the water! Happy New Year UNI Dance Marathon!